THE Sugar Cane Company
A Member of the Nordzucker Group
Mackay Sugar is Australia’s second largest sugar manufacturer, located in the heart of Australia’s sugar cane belt in tropical North Queensland. With more than 140 years’ experience in producing raw sugar for local and international markets Mackay Sugar is an iconic local brand with three operating milling sites located at Farleigh, Marian and Racecourse along with our cane supply operations based in Pleystowe.
Expertise & Products
THE Sugar Cane Company
Working at
Mackay Sugar

Whistle-blower Reporting
Mackay Sugar
About Us
We are Australia’s second largest sugar manufacturer, with an annual turnover exceeding $600 million. We have three operating sugar mills - at Racecourse, Marian and Farleigh. Our revenue base includes raw sugar, molasses and renewable energy with an investment return from refined sugar.
A diverse range of products and expertise in sugar
Expertise and Products
On average, we produce about 700,000 tonnes of raw sugar each year. Raw sugar for the export market is delivered to the bulk sugar terminal at Port of Mackay. Our raw sugar is marketed, predominantly in Asia, to refiners in South Korea, Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia as the primary customers. It’s also sold to Sugar Australia Joint Venture for further processing and refining in the domestic market.
Sustainability is fundamental for us
Sustainability by Nature
Sustainability is a top priority for Mackay Sugar. As a food manufacturer, sustainable thinking and acting are a natural part of our daily business. Environmental and social considerations are major factors in our decision-making.
Focusing on people
Working at Mackay Sugar
A modern working environment, compatibility of family and work life, diversity, exciting prospects and varied job roles - that is what defines us at Mackay Sugar. Learn more about us as an employer.