About Us

Our Governance

Enhancing our

Company Performance

Instilling the principles of good and transparent corporate governance is an established part of our corporate culture. The Board is responsible for the oversight of the company and regards corporate governance as a key element in driving results, creating accountability and establishing a collaborative mindset that enhances our company’s performance.

Board Committees

Board members are involved with the following committees:

CommitteeBoard Members
Audit and FinanceR. Hines and L. Blackburn
Remuneration and NominationsS. Balieiro and J. Grech
Health, Safety and EnvironmentS. Buhrmann and F. Perna
RiskR. Hines and L. Blackburn

Industry Bodies

Mackay Sugar is also represented in the following industry bodies:

Industry BodyMackay Sugar Members
Sugar Australia LtdC. Morton (R. Stinson alternate)
Australian Sugar Milling CouncilC. Morton, R. Stinson
Australian Sugar Alliance
Mackay Area Productivity ServicesC. Jones, B. Casey
Grower Negotiating TeamC. Morton, B. Casey, J. Walton
QCSC. Morton, R. Stinson
New Zealand SugarC. Morton (R. Stinson alternate)
Oriana ShippingR. Nilsson
Racecourse ProjectsR. Nilsson
Pioneer Valley Water Board(Open)

Whistle-blower Reporting

Anonymous whistle-blower reporting is available here

We are THE Sugar Cane Company

Our Board

Our Management

Our Company

Our Shareholders